
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Washington DC held the distinction of being home to the largest slave market in the country before the war for Southern Independence. (According to PBS).
Congressman Daniel Gott's resolution of December 21, 1848 would have abolished slavery in Washington DC had it passed the House of Representatives. Illinois Congressman Lincoln sided with pro-slavery members and voted against the resolution. HUarchivesNet the Electronic journal MSRC Howard University…also Lerone Bennett “Forced into Glory”
Congress did pass the DC Emancipation Act in 1862, but Lincoln delayed signing for 48 hours to give his old friend from Kentucky time to get out of town with his slaves…The Act also called for the immediate expulsion of all freed slaves from the city and set aside funds for their colonization (deportation)…(Lochlainn Seabrook, “Everything…” p. 153)
Twenty months later (Dec 1863) the administration was still using slave labor to complete construction of the Capitol Building in DC…
Considering that Northerners (along with Europeans) imported all the slaves into this country, should the North not bear some responsibility for slavery in America? NAW, IT'S EASIER TO DEMONIZE THE SOUTH AND RE-WRITE HISTORY...TO GLORIFY A TYRANT.
“Virginia did not secede in defense of slavery. Indeed, when Lincoln was inaugurated, March 4, 1861, Virginia was still in the Union. Only South Carolina, Georgia and the five Gulf states had seceded and created the Confederate States of America.
At the firing on Fort Sumter, April 12-13, 1865, the first shots of the Civil War, Virginia was still inside the Union. Indeed, there were more slave states in the Union than in the Confederacy. But, on April 15, Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 volunteers from the state militias to march south and crush the new Confederacy.
Two days later, April 17, Virginia seceded rather than provide soldiers or militia to participate in a war on their brethren. North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas followed Virginia out over the same issue. They would not be a party to a war on their kinfolk.
Slavery was not the cause of this war. Secession was -- that and Lincoln's determination to drown the nation in blood if necessary to make the Union whole again.
Nor did Lincoln ever deny it.
In his first inaugural, Lincoln sought to appease the states that had seceded by endorsing a constitutional amendment to make slavery permanent in the 15 states where it then existed. He even offered to help the Southern states run down fugitive slaves.
In 1862, Lincoln wrote Horace Greeley that if he could restore the Union without freeing one slave he would do it. The Emancipation Proclamation of Jan. 1, 1863, freed only those slaves Lincoln had no power to free -- those still under Confederate rule. As for slaves in the Union states of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, they remained the property of their owners.” Patrick Buchanan
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
One of the most controversial orders of the Civil War, General Orders No. 11 was issued by General Thomas Ewing, commander of the District of the Border, on August 25, 1863. The order was issued in the wake of guerrilla leader William Quantrill’s attack on Lawrence, Kansas on August 21, 1863.
Hoping to eliminate civilian support for the guerrillas, the order commanded all persons living in the Missouri counties of Jackson, Cass, Bates and part of Vernon to evacuate their homes within 15 days.
Those living within one mile of a Union military post were allowed to remain. Those able to prove their loyalty to the satisfaction of local Union commanders were allowed to move to any military station in the district, or to any part of Kansas (except the counties on the eastern border). All others were to leave the district.
Ewing’s order virtually depopulated these areas, and numerous homes were burned, causing a great deal of suffering without completely eliminating the guerrilla threat. George Caleb Bingham, one of Missouri’s most famous artists, was outraged by the order, and promised Ewing that “If you persist in executing that order, I will make you infamous with pen and brush as far as I am able.” Bingham carried out his threat with the painting “Order No. 11,” and became an outspoken critic of Ewing for the rest of his life.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Things they don’t want you to know about slavery in America…Via George Austin
Apparently the first legal sanction of slavery (not for a crime) in the New World, was brought about in a court decision where John Casor was awarded into the service of his master Anthony Johnson (a black man) – who had himself been captured in Angola and brought to America as an indentured servant.
From evidence found in the earliest legal documents, Anthony Johnson must be recognized as the nation’s first official legal slaveholder.
Do we celebrate that as part of Black History Month?
Read the entire article by BEN KINCHLOW OF CBN
“To people who passed through those memorable days in Dixie, it seems queer to hear Southern men and women spoken of as "traitors," "rebels," "enemies of American liberty" and "foes of the Constitution." I know not what may have been the secret motives of wily leaders, if there were any such leaders, which I gravely doubt, but as for the people, nothing but patriotism pure and simple moved them to vote secession and to enlist in the army.
The people at the South felt just as confident that the people at the North contemplated a deliberate overthrow of the Republic as their fathers in the Revolution felt that King George was a tyrant. In all the public orations and private discussions the idea that slavery was the bone of contention never once entered the minds of the common people . . .
They understood that the Constitution of the United States was assailed, and that they were offering themselves for its defense. The question, as they understood it, was whether American liberty should be perpetuated or crushed by Northern monarchy.
Fighting for slavery? Think of the absurdity of the thing! The Southern army was largely made up of volunteers from the mountain regions. There were no slaves of consequence in that mountain country, and those poor mountaineers hated "stuck-up" slaveholders as cordially as a saint hates sin. True, they understood in a vague sort of way that there was some discussion on the subject of slavery in a general way, but to them this was only an incidental and irrelevant topic of public interest which was in no way connected with the question of secession.
The people understood that the question at issue was simply their right to manage their own affairs in their own States. If the North proposed to interfere with that right, what assurance had they that it would not take from them their homes and all their property? I know not what the leaders thought, but there was no mistaking the feelings and opinions of the common people. . . .
I understood that in seceding the South held on to the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, and Bunker Hill monument, and the life of George Washington. . .
We traitors? We rebels against the American government and enemies of the Constitution? Shades of Washington and Bunker Hill! Why, what were the people up in the mountains fighting for if not for the Constitution? . . . . What did they care about slavery? Hadn't it been as a thorn in the flesh to them from time immemorial? Did not everybody know that the North had set aside the Constitution, throttled our liberty and pulled the tail feathers out of the American eagle?”
Excerpted from Seventy Years In Dixie,
by F.D. Srygley, Florida Confederate Veteran... Faith and Facts Press, first printing 1891.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
WELL, WELL, NOW! Didn’t see this in the Speilberg Movie
Illinois was “almost a slave state” and had “a slave code that was harsher and wider in scope than some of those in the South.” Robert P. Howard (129-131)
The man Lincoln called his “special friend” Ward H. Lamon said that the Ill. Black Code, “was of the most preposterous and cruel severity, a code that would have been a disgrace to a slave state and was simply and infamy in a free one. It borrowed the provisions of the most revolting laws known among men, for exiling, selling, beating, bedeviling and torturing Negroes, whether bond or free.” They were not repealed until after the war and Lincoln never said a word against them. My my my….what they don’t teach in schools.
Blacks had no legal rights a white man was bound to respect and it was a crime for them to settle in Illinois unless they could prove their freedom and post a $1000 bond. Any black man found without a certificate of freedom was considered a runaway and could be apprehended and auctioned off by the sheriff to pay the cost of his confinement. None of this seemed to bother Lincoln.
The architect of the Negro Exclusion Law, undoubtedly the most severe anti-Negro measure passed by a state was John A. Logan (future Lincoln appointee Union General and Chicago CW icon).
“punishment enough for Blacks to live among such cruel, inhospitable beings as the residents of Illinois, not to mention the additional burden of having to live under such a law.” Horace Greeley
“an act of special and savage ruthlessness.” New Orleans Bee
Oh how they like to hide the truth, so as to shame you and discredit your ancestors.
source: Forced into Glory by Lerone Bennett Jr.
Custer’s sword captured by Confederate Cavalry at the Battle of Trevilian Station
In Louisa County, Virginia, some 9,300 Federal cavalry with 20 pieces of horse artillery under the command of major General Philip H. Sheridan were intercepted by the commands of Major General Wade Hampton and Fitzhugh Lee.
The Confederate forces numbered some 6,450 cavalry and 14 guns of the horse artillery. The two Confederate divisions were under the command of Major General Hampton. A fierce 2 day struggle ensued and ended by the retreat of the Union Forces on the night of June 12th.
The fight was described as "bewildering" as it was violent. Cavalrymen on both sides fought dismounted from tree to tree. By mid-day Custer's command had worked themselves behind the Confederate's scattered positions, capturing 1,500 of their horses, supply wagons, artillery caissons and prisoners. But within minutes, the tables were turned.
The Union Cavalrymen were surrounded on all sides. Custer was slightly wounded and his own personal wagon train was captured by Confederate Cavalryman Lieutenant Frank Blair. Blair took the booty (the sword pictured and Custer’s dress frock coat) home to Texas where it remained for over 135 years.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Lucian Love (pictured) of Mosby's Rangers was one of six of Mosby's men executed by Union troops in Front Royal, Va. An Officer of Custer's command ordered the executions in retaliation for the death of a Union officer, Lt. McMaster who was "allegedly" killed after he had surrendered. When the erroneous story reached the Federals in Front Royal the Union men were outraged. Lowell’s command arrived at Front Royal with the six prisoners, and the Federals called for revenge for McMaster’s death.
Present were Brigadier Generals Wesley Merritt and George A. Custer. In retaliation for McMaster’s death, Merritt ordered the execution of the six prisoners. Though many, including Mosby himself, would blame Custer for the executions, it was Merritt who gave the order. Years later, Mosby clarified his position. Custer and the other senior officers present made no attempt to stop the executions and went along with it, so in Mosby’s view they shared responsibility for the incident. Also, some of Custer’s men participated in the executions.
Three of the prisoners were taken out and shot immediately. Another prisoner, 17 year old Henry Rhodes, was not a member of the Rangers, but wanted to be one. He had grabbed a horse and joined in the retreat of some of Mosby’s men as they passed through Front Royal and was captured. Rhodes’ mother begged for her son’s life to no avail; in perhaps the most brutal event of the day, one of Custer’s cavalrymen shot Rhodes to death in his mother’s presence.
Two other prisoners were interrogated and promised their lives would be spared in exchange for information on Mosby, but the two refused to talk. They were then executed by hanging. A sign was placed on one of the victims declaring “Such is the fate of all of Mosby’s men.”
When Mosby himself heard about the executions, he was furious and determined to retaliate. He proposed to General Robert E. Lee that he would execute an equal number of Custer’s men for those Rangers executed by the Federals. Lee and Confederate Secretary of War James Seddon approved the proposal.
On November 6th at Rectortown, Virginia, 26 recently captured prisoners from Custer’s command were informed that they were to draw lots to select seven men for execution (a seventh Ranger had been executed in a separate incident). Six men and a drummer boy made the unlucky draws; a second drawing was held to spare the drummer boy.
The unfortunate seven were taken a few miles away to an area near Berryville, Virginia, by a Ranger detachment under the command of Lieutenant Ed Thompson. Three of the seven were hanged and two were shot. The two who were shot were wounded, but not fatally. Two other prisoners managed to escape, and made it back to Union lines. A note was left on one of the hanged men that stated: “These men have been hung in retaliation for an equal number of Colonel Mosby’s men, hung by order of General Custer at Front Royal. Measure for measure.”
Although only three had actually been executed, Mosby believed he had accomplished his purpose. Mosby wrote a letter to Sheridan explaining what had happened and his reasons for retaliating. He declared that he would treat any men captured as prisoners of war unless more of his men were executed and he was forced to “adopt a course of policy repulsive to humanity”.
There were no more executions by either side. Mosby’s Rangers continued to fight in northern Virginia until the end of the war, when they disbanded and went home. Fighting continued in the Shenandoah Valley until March 2, 1865, when a Union cavalry division under General Custer defeated the last Confederate force of any size in the valley at the Battle of Waynesboro.
After the war, John S. Mosby summed up his reasoning for the retaliatory executions:
“It was not an act of revenge, but a judicial sentence to save not only the lives of my own men, but the lives of the enemy. It had that effect. I regret that fate thrust such a duty upon me; I do not regret that I faced and performed it.”
From Winchester to Cedar Creek: The Shenandoah Campaign of 1864 , by Jeffery D. Wert. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1997
Gray Ghost: The Memoirs of Col. John S. Mosby, by John S. Mosby. New York: Bantam Books, 1992
“The Monument to Mosby’s Men” Southern Historical Society Papers, XXVII, 1899
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies in the War of the Rebellion. Series I, Volume XLIII, Part 1 . U.S. War Department, Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1880-1901
“Retaliation. The Execution of Seven Prisoners of War by Col. John S. Mosby. A Self-Protectiver Necessity”. by John S. Mosby, Southern Historical Society Papers, XXVII, 1899
Friday, February 22, 2013
Harry S. Truman
2nd Confederate President and SCV Member
What isn't spoken of is that President Harry S. Truman was a card carrying member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans ! Yes, you read it correctly.
Not only was Harry S. Truman the thirty-third President of the United States (1945-1953) as well as the thirty-fourth vice president - Harry S. Truman he was a direct descendent of Confederate soldiers and was a staunch & loyal supporter of the history and glory of the Missouri Partisan Ranger movement in Missouri against illegal and cruel occupation by Federal forces during the War of Northern Aggression.
What is not readily known nor is this taught to our children, is that Harry S. Truman was a Confederate son - through and through ! ! Truman and his family's unwavering support of the South and the Confederate States Of America was immense, steadfast and allegiant.
Yes, Harry S. Truman had at least 2 ancestors, who were Confederate soldiers. First, William Young, son of Solomon and Hariette Louise (Gregg) Young, served under Upton Hayes. Solomon & Hariette were the grandparents of Harry S. Truman. Redlegs stole the family silverware, killed over 100 hogs, and burned his barns and haystacks. This occurred after Hariette had fed the men. Young rode with Hayes, Virgil Miller, Cole Younger, Dick Yeager & Boon Muir in August of 1862. Sources: Joanne Eakin & Donald Hale, "Branded as Rebels" page 484; John N. Edwards, "Noted Guerrillas" page 94.
The other man was James J. "Jim Crow" Chiles. Actually, he was an in-law, his wife was a daughter of Solomon Young. Source: Joanne C. Eakin & Donald Hale, "Branded As Rebels" page 71.
Also highly probable, is that since Truman's grandmother Hariette was a Gregg, she may have been related to William Gregg, who rode with captain William Quantrill.
President Harry Truman's grandmother Hariette (Gregg) Young was put in a "prison camp" due to Ewing's General Order #11. Harry's mother was Martha Ellen Young. She, from childhood, remembered her home being burned, following Order #11. In 1861, when Kansas "Redlegs" made their first raid on the Truman's family's property, the Youngs were living southeast of Kansas City near Hickman Mills.
At this time, the Redlegs tried to make Harrison Young, Harry's uncle, an informant and reveal information on Missourian's loyal to the South. Harrison refused and was repeatedly "mock hanged" and his neck stretched to torture and make him talk. Harrison Young never broke to this torture !
During Harry's WW1 service, Harry never wore his "Dress Blues" when visiting home, as Momma "...didn't like the damned Yankees..." As well - because of the burning of the family's farm and destruction by yankee predators, when Truman's mom Martha Ellen, came to visit him at the While House, she refused to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom !
In closing, the true & complete history of out beloved Harry S. Truman, our thirty-third President of the United States was of a true Confederate son, proud of his family and very adamant of the preservation and memory of the atrocities committed against Missouri by Lincoln and the savage Kansas scurf that pushed this nation into war.
Something the spin doctors and revisionists will never allow to come to light. For how could one of the greatest president ever have been of Confederate extraction and loyal to the South ! That can't come to light... Especially that before during and after his term as President Of The United States, that Harry S. Truman was a proud, bona-fide, card carrying loyal member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans ! Plain &simple.
So proud was President Truman, that he actually attended some of the Quantrell Reunions of survivors of Captain Quantrill's command and other Missouri Partisan ranger heroes..
We leave you with 2 quotes directly from Harry S. Truman that puts all into perspective. The truth can not be denied. As follows...
"But Quantrill and his men were no more bandits than the men on the other side. I've been to reunions of Quantrill's men two or three times. All they were trying to do was protect the property on the Missouri side of the line..."
"...They tried to make my uncle Harrison into an informer, but he wouldn't do it. He was only a boy... They tried to hang him, time and again they tried it, 'stretching his neck', they called it, but he didn't say anything. I think he'd have died before he'd said anything. He's the one I'm named after, and I'm happy to say that there were people...around at the time who said I took after him."
~ Truman speaking about what the Kansas "Red Legs" did to his 13 year old uncle, during the War Of Northern Agression.
Just give us the truth about black Confederates…said no Yankee revisionist ever!
"The forces attacking my camp were the First Regiment Texas Rangers [8th Texas Cavalry, Terry's Texas Rangers], Colonel Wharton, and a battalion of the First Georgia Rangers, Colonel Morrison, and a large number of citizens of Rutherford County, many of whom had recently taken the oath of allegiance to the United States Government.
There were also quite a number of Negroes attached to the Texas and Georgia troops, who were armed and equipped, and took part in the several engagements with my forces during the day." — Federal Official Records, Series I, Vol XVI Part I, pg. 805, Lt. Col. Parkhurst's Report (Ninth Michigan Infantry) on Col. Forrest's attack at Murfreesboro, Tenn, July 13, 1862.
Do you believe the revisionist who would like you to think it was just because the Southern white man hated the black man that he took matters into his own hands? Or do you believe a report submitted to President Grant by the Committee he sent from Washington to investigate allegations of the “reign of terror” in Edgefield South Carolina? For those of you who would like to see what the Committee reported back to Grant, read the following:
“We have failed to ascertain a single case in the State of an injury, outrage or wrong committed during the present year by a white man upon a negro in the slightest degree attributable to the race, color or previous condition of servitude of the negro, or upon any Republican on account of his political opinions.
There have been too many instances of outrages committed upon whites by negroes because the sufferers were white; but these are not within the scope of the matter submitted to us.
There have been instances, of late, of flagrant breaches of the peace, but these have been between negroes, or caused by armed bands of negroes assembling on Sunday and on other days and threatening violence to the whites; or by negroes endeavoring to resist arrest of those of their color. These cases are also outside of the matter submitted to us.
We deem it, however, not irrelevant to report that a conflict of races has only been avoided by the uniform forbearance of the whites; which forbearance is especially commendable, as the whites under grievous provocation, with their males for the greater part veteran and disciplined soldiers, and thus having it in their power to crush at a blow the undisciplined negroes whose numerical superiority (only four to three) is of no consideration, have, from a regard for peace and good order and a desire to avoid conflict with the Federal authorities, hitherto borne and forborne.
The tendency to a conflict exists entirely on the side of the Negros, and arises from the existence of the following condition of affairs:
1) The negro is generally too apt to regard the administration of justice in which any white man has any instrumentality as an invasion of his rights.
2) The negro is taught to consider that the whites (except Republicans) have not the right to form volunteer military organizations, and hence regard the rifle clubs lately formed, for martial, social and defensive purposes, the evidence of incipient rebellion. The fact that almost the entire militia of the State are negroes, and that white companies have not been accepted by the State authorities where tendered, may have caused this opinion.
3) The negro militia are commanded by turbulent officers, are armed with fine arms, and abundantly supplied with ball cartridges, as if their services in actual conflict might any day be required.
4) The negro is taught to believe that the whites design not only to deprive him of the right of suffrage, but even to reduce him to his original condition of slavery.
5) The negro is taught to regard the United States troops as only intended to keep down the whites, and not for the common protection of all citizens.
The carpetbaggers (by which term we do not mean those from other States who remove here, but the dishonest political adventurers who now infest this State) do everything in their power by incendiary speeches, slanders and otherwise to inflame the blacks against any of their own color who might dare to vote as they call it "against their race." Thus, there is no political freedom in South Carolina for either race, and little civil liberty for the whites.
It is true, and it could not be otherwise, that there exists a feeling of deep indignation on the part of the whites, but it is not against the negro, nor against the honest Republicans of either color, but against those who have organized a system of election frauds, invent and publish abroad shameful slanders for political purposes; crush us with taxes ; steal the money raised by taxation ; teach the negro the infamous doctrines above mentioned, and in general teach the negroes to regard all white men not of the Republican party as their natural enemies.
In conclusion, we repeat that we have failed to ascertain a single case in the State of an injury, outrage or wrong committed during the present year by a white man upon a negro in the slightest degree attributable to the race, color or previous condition of servitude of the negro, or upon any Republican on account of his political opinions. ”
"The Reconstruction in South Carolina" by John S. Reynolds, published in 1905, Pages 274-276
Some things never change, I guess they had their Jessie Jacksons, Al Sharptons, Eric Holders and black panthers back in the day too...thanks for sharing Travis ~Robert~
Cadmus Wilcox described some of the Yankee depredations in a letter to his sister, April 21st, 1863.
"They steal, rob, enter houses, take many things they want before the eyes of the master and mistress of the house...Even what they do not want they destroy...actually reducing people to the point of starvation, and then insulting them by telling them that they will sell them what they want if they take the oath of allegiance. I did not know that any people could be so brutal."
Thursday, February 21, 2013
General J.E.B. Stuart’s personal Army of Northern Virginia battle flag.
In December 2006, this flag, sewn by Flora Stuart, was sold in a Heritage Auction for a world-record price for any Confederate flag, for $956,000 (including buyer’s premium). The 34-inch by 34-inch flag was hand-sewn for Stuart by Flora in 1862 and Stuart carried it into some of his most famous battles. However, in December of that year it fell from a tent front into a campfire and was damaged.
Stuart returned it to his wife with a letter describing the accident and telling of his despondency over the banner’s damage. The flag remained with the Stuart family until 1969 when it was given to Stuart Hall, Staunton, Virginia, by a granddaughter of the Confederate general. The school quietly sold the flag and letter to a private collector in 2000. In 2006, the flag and letter, which had been displayed in a single frame in the Stuart Hall front parlour, were sold separately at auction.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Huh! What the…
I didn’t hear about things like dis in da gubement history class… Lawrd hab mercie!
Sojourner Truth was a New York slave sold at auction with a flock of sheep. She was an African American abolitionist and women's rights activist who escaped from slavery in New York in 1826. She began as an itinerant preacher and became a nationally known advocate for equality and justice, sponsoring a variety of social reforms, including women's property rights, universal suffrage and prison reform.
She was born Isabella Baumfree in 1797 on the estate of Colonel Johannes Hardenbergh in Swartekill, a Dutch settlement in upstate New York. She was one of 13 children born to Elizabeth and James Baumfree, who were slaves on the Hardenbergh plantation. Both the Baumfrees and the Hardenberghs spoke Dutch in their daily lives. After the colonel's death, ownership of the Baumfrees passed to his son Charles.
After the death of Charles Hardenbergh in 1806, the Baumfrees were separated. Nine-year-old Isabella was sold at an auction with a flock of sheep for $100 to John Neely, whose family only spoke English. Isabella still spoke only Dutch, and her new owners BEAT HER REPEADEDLY for not understanding their commands.
Until old age intervened, Truth spoke passionately against slavery and social injustices. She was an outspoken opponent of capital punishment, testifying before the Michigan state legislature against the practice. She also championed prison reform in Michigan and across the country. While always controversial, Truth was embraced by a community of reformers.
Sojourner Truth died at her home in Battle Creek, Michigan, on November 26, 1883. She was buried in Battle Creek's Oak Hill Cemetery alongside to her grandson.
Portions taken from Civil War Women’s blog…
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Union League, Hunkidories and Live Oaks
In their eagerness for “some more good years of stealing” the Carpetbaggers looked upon the black man as an opportunity for them to gain political control no matter what it cost the future. All election machinery was in the hands of the Reconstruction state government.
The law was constructed to make fraud easy and safe. All black men were pressured into joining the Union League, a secret oath-bound society, organized and kept active by unscrupulous leaders of both colors. White people could know nothing of what was said in the lodges. They had reason to believe that hate and fear of the white race was preached continually and artfully, stimulated with reckless lies that the blacks were threatened with return to slavery as the sure result of any Democratic success and persuaded that continuation of Republican governments meant early seizure and division of all property…hence the 40 acre and a mule lie.
Results of the League meetings were seen on Election Day when the black voters were marched to the polling places in solid ranks and voted the straight party ticket. It was not uncommon for Union League members to be taken to as many polls as they could reach in one day. Behind the Carpetbaggers was the federal government ready to throw the compelling strength of courts and bayonets against anyone who protested.
Many people know about the Union League. However, not too many know about the Hunkidories and Live Oaks that terrorized Charleston and the South Carolina low country during the Reconstruction. The reason is simple. There is no way their actions can be twisted into something positive. Their purpose was violence and they were a very real part of the Reconstruction in South Carolina.
The Hunkidories and Live Oaks were black clubs formed with the assistance of the Radical Republican leaders of Charleston. The membership was comprised of black roughs and bullies used to intimidate and insult the white people and to embolden and solidify the blacks. Always armed and commonly displaying heavy bludgeons, they caused much trouble in the low-country. Their conduct had long been a menace to the peace of Charleston.
The following incident happened on the night Hampton was elected Governor, breaking the 12 year Carpetbagger reign in South Carolina. In Charleston, when the Republicans learned of the Democratic victory, the Hunkidories went on a rampage against white citizens. They set out to shoot any white man they could find. The Hunkidories’ first victims were a father and son, both prominent businessmen of Charleston. They were shot on their way back to their office after their noon meal, killing the young man and wounding his father. Further down on Broad Street the Hunkidories fired pistols randomly into a crowd.
Those Hunkidories who didn’t have guns tore down fences to use as bludgeons. When the fight first began some of the black policemen initially tried to break it up. Things then changed when a white man saw a Hunkidori deliberately shoot at another unarmed white man. He demanded a black policeman do his duty as a public servant and arrest him. Instead the black policeman clubbed him for the asking. While that was happening on Broad Street, at another location in the city mobs rioted and broke store windows, taking whatever they could run off with before the federal troops and rifle clubs, comprised of local white men, finally arrived on the scene to quell the riot.
“Hampton and His Red Shirts” by Alfred B Williams, published 1927, pgs 368-372
“The Reconstruction in South Carolina” by John S Reynolds,
General [Thomas L.] Clingman visited his brigade while in camp at Smithfield, and though on crutches, asked of General Johnston the honor of commanding the rear guard. This was denied him, as he was physically unable to perform such duty, and he addressed the Southern commander as follows:
“Sir, much has been said about dying in the last ditch. You have left with you here thirty thousand of as brave men as the sun ever shone upon. Let us take our stand here and fight the two armies of Grant and Sherman to the end, and thus show to the world how far we can surpass the Thermopylae of the Greeks.”
(Government and the PC crowd would have us believe he was willing to make this last stand to “preserve slavery” in the South…AUH! That is about as dumb a thing as I have ever heard and yet this is what they espouse).
Monday, February 18, 2013
I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad and blind, would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came. Jefferson Davis
“…The contest is not over, the strife is not ended it has only entered upon a new and enlarged arena…” 1881 address to the Mississippi legislature…
In other words, "it's only half time folks" it ain't over, witness the strife in the country today...
NEW YORK’S "Negros Burial Ground" "In 1991 excavators for a new federal office building in Manhattan unearthed the remains of more than 400 Africans stacked in wooden boxes sixteen to twenty-eight feet below street level."
Slavery in the New York City area was introduced by the Dutch West India Company in New Netherland about 1626, this was the beginning of the institution of slavery in what would become New York City that would continue for two hundred years.
As the city population increased, so did the number of residents who held slaves. In 1703, 42 percent of New York's households had slaves, much more than Philadelphia and Boston combined. On the eve of the American Revolution, New York City had the largest number of enslaved Africans of any English colonial settlement except Charleston, South Carolina. Slaves had become essential to the development of New York.
Labelled on old maps as the "Negros Burial Ground," the 6.6-acre area was first recorded as being used around 1712 for the burials of enslaved and freed people of African descent. The first burials may date from the late 1690s. The burial ground would remain in use until 1794.
In total, the intact remains of more than 400 men, women and children of African descent were found at the site, where they had been buried individually in wooden boxes. There were no mass burials. Nearly half were children under 12, indicating the high mortality rate of the time. Historians and anthropologists estimate that over the decades, as many as 15,000-20,000 Africans were buried in Lower Manhattan.
"The Hidden History of Slavery in New York". The Nation. Retrieved 2008-02-11.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
What man could be so morally bankrupt as to sacrifice his sons for the purpose of keeping his slaves?
Answer: None, nada, no one...
No country ever went to war to abolish slavery, none, and it didn’t happen here either. There was no war until the president sent troops to force Southern States to remain in the Union against their will to pay the taxes (tariffs) that were then supporting the US government. NO INVASION NO WAR PERIOD…and the so called “first shot” was intentionally provoked by the North in order to make it “appear” as if the South were the aggressor.
No Northern farm boy or factory worker was going to risk death and dismemberment to free slaves in the South 150 years ago, when many Northern states had slaves themselves. To prove my point, how many of you are willing to fight and die to free the estimated 27 million slaves that exist in the world today? That’s what I thought…(estimate from Free the Slaves website).
However, a man will fight to defend his land and family from invaders. And a young Northern boy could be convinced by his self serving representatives in Congress that it's his patriotic duty to do the invading. The rest is history.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
The primary cause of the War For Southern Independence was MONEY (no surprise here). Before the War the Southern States were some of the richest in the Union. Through the “REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH” the South transferred 80% of their tariffs receipts North to fund industrialization, Northern infrastructure and jobs for the “FLOOD OF IMMIGRANTS from overseas.” The South was being ROBBED.
Slavery was a secondary issue …the federal government maintained and supported slavery throughout the war in Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and West Viginia. Slaves could have been freed in 1861, 1862, 1863 (West Virginia was admitted into the Union as a slave state 6 mos. after the Emancipation Proclamation and with all the protections of the fugitive slave laws) or 1864. During the war the government chose to free slaves only in the South where it had no control or authority (how convenient). Lincoln couldn’t buy a newspaper in Charleston SC, let alone free a slave there or anywhere else in the South.
Slavery was not abolished until after the war as a result of the 13th Amendment and long after the so-called great emancipator (who petitioned congress to have freed slaves deported) was in his grave…
A direct result of the transformation from a “Union by Choice” to a “Union by Force,” is the loss of freedoms. States no longer have the option of Nullifying laws which do not serve their people i.e. health care, gun restrictions, abortion, the Patriot Act, the NDAA Act, immigration control and potential drone strikes on our own American citizens….now we’re all slaves, the government is your massa, WELCOME TO THE PLANTATION…
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
On the eve of the War, Massachusetts Senator Wendell Phillips gave a speech at the New Bedford Lyceum in which he defended the Confederate States' right to secede:
"A large body of people, sufficient to make a nation, have come to the conclusion that they will have a government of a certain form. Who denies them the right? Standing with the principles of '76 behind us, who can deny them the right?
I maintain on the principles of '76 that Abraham Lincoln has no right to a soldier in Fort Sumter. . . . You can never make such a war popular. . . . The North never will endorse such a war." Brooklyn Daily Eagle, April 13, 1861, p. 2.
Oh really? Not long after this speech he did a 180 and threw his full support behind the war effort, very much like Lincoln’s own secretary of state:
William Seward April 4th 1861 “It would be contrary to the spirit of the American Government to use armed force to subjugate the South. If the people of the South want to stay out of the Union, if they desire independence, let them have it.” Spoken to a London Times correspondent.
April 10th 1861 “Only a despotic and imperial government can subjugate seceding States.” Officially written to C.F. Adams Minister to England.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
It's ok when a New Englander calls for secession don't ya know!
"The Constitution is a mistake! Tear it to pieces! Our aim is disunion!" Massachusetts Senator Wendell Phillips. There was nothing wrong with secession as long a New Englanders were calling for it. No one ever denied them their right to do so.
March 24th 1862 the Senator from Massachusetts, hater of the South and all things Southern speaks to a crowd about emancipation in Cincinnati, Ohio and is pelted by eggs. I guess Northern folks didn’t much care for his rhetoric either.
Is it any wonder why the South was not enamored to the Republicans and why they would seek separation once these hypocritical radicals were in power?
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Tucker’s Marine Brigade Confederate States Marine Corps
From Drewry’s Bluff to Appomattox Court House1865 by Ray Davidson
In 1998, Confederate States Marines Charles Cleaper, James Hicks and Joe Johnson names finally were added to the exhibit on Black Confederates at Appomattox Court House National Historical Park. A tribute and belated honor to a story worth telling of grey coated warriors that served to the honor of the Corps.
Cleaper, Hicks and Johnson enlisted in the Confederate Marine Corps in Charleston, South Carolina and served aboard the Confederate States Ship (CSS) Chicora until March 1865. The Confederate States Marine Corps (CSMC), as well as the Confederate States Navy, authorized recruitment of one black for every five whites recruited. These Marines and sailors served along side there white counterparts in integrated units. Several skilled pilots on Confederate gunboats were “men of color” and held an officers rank. One such pilot was Moses Dallas, who served with the Savannah Squadron from 1862 to 1864. A letter from the Savannah Squadron Commander to the Secretary of the Navy gives us a small glimpse of the value of blacks to the Confederate Navy:
“I have also been compelled to increase the pay of Moses Dallas from $80 to $100 per month in order to retain him. He is a colored pilot and is considered the best inland pilot on the coast.”
Later Dallas was on the expedition that captured the Federal gunboat USS Water Witch on the rainy night of June 3-4, 1864. He was among six Confederates killed in action during the firefight that erupted as they boarded the ship. Another black Confederate Naval Officer, Ben Newell, piloted the captured gunboat back to harbor.
In early spring 1865 the Union Army was making a concerted effort to capture Richmond, the Southern capitol and defeat Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. All Confederate States Marines along the east coast were ordered to Drewry’s Bluff for defense of Richmond.
The only obstacle that protected Richmond from a river approach was Fort Darling on Drewry's Bluff, overlooking a sharp bend on the James River their eight cannons in the fort, including field artillery pieces and five naval guns, some salvaged from the Virginia, commanded the river for miles in both directions. Guns from the CSS Patrick Henry, including an 8-inch smoothbore, were just upriver and sharpshooters gathered on the riverbanks. An underwater obstruction of sunken steamers, pilings, debris, and other vessels connected by chains was placed just below the bluff, making it difficult for vessels to maneuver in the narrow river.
Blunting previous Union nautical assaults Drewry’s Bluff remained an integral part of Richmond's defense until the fall of Petersburg and Richmond in 1865. The garrison at Drewry's Bluff took part in the evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg. Once Fort Darling had been abandoned by the retreating Confederates, the Union forces quickly cleared a path through the obstructions in the James River beneath Drewry's Bluff. On April 4 President Abraham Lincoln and his son Tad passed the fort on the way up the James River to visit Richmond.
At Drewry’s Bluff, Cleaper, Hicks and Johnson and the men of the Charleston Squadron joined with remnants of the Wilmington (NC) Squadron and Virginia based personnel to form "Tucker’s Marine Brigade" that was named after its commander, Commodore John R. Tucker.
The Battle of Sayler's Creek was fought April 6, 1865, southwest of Petersburg. Tucker’s Marine Brigade had joined up with two Confederate divisions led by Maj. Generals Curtis Lee and Joseph B. Kershaw. These two divisions made up nearly one fourth of the retreating Confederate army. At Sayler’s creek they were cut off by Sheridan's cavalry and elements of the Union II and VI Corps of the Army of the Potomac.
Tucker’s Marine Brigade was the only Confederate unit that didn’t break under the first Federal charge. After repulsing the charge, the Brigade – numbering 300 to 400 men, was surrounded by six Union divisions. Tucker would not surrender and counterattacked, smashing the 37th Massachusetts Infantry into fragments and tearing into the 2nd Rhode Island in hand to hand combat.
Withdrawing to a wooded area, these Confederate Marines repulsed multiple Federal attacks. Tucker’s Brigade was resilient and did so much damage that the Federal generals estimated the "Marine Brigade" to number some 2,000 men. Tucker was ultimately talked into surrendering towards the end of the day.
Note: The Slayer’s Creek battlefield was designated a national Historic Landmark in 1985.
The remnants of Tucker’s Brigade; four Confederate States Marine Corps officers and 21 enlisted Marines withdrew to Appomattox and surrendered with General Lee on April 9, 1865. The ranking Confederate Marine Officer was 1stLt Richard Henderson (former USMC Commandant Gen. Archibald Henderson’s son). Standing proudly with Henderson were Charles Cleaper, James Hicks and Joe Johnson, “free men of color” who served with distinction as Confederate States Marines.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Secession does not necessitate war; nor was war necessary to end slavery. The rest of the world (including all of the Northern states) ended slavery peacefully in the nineteenth century.
No respectable historian would argue that Lincoln invaded the South to free the slaves. Even his Emancipation Proclamation was only a "war measure" that would have become defunct if the war ended the next day – and it was written so as to avoid freeing any slaves since it only applied to "rebel territory." Both Lincoln and Congress announced publicly that their purpose was not to disturb slavery but to "save the union," a union that they actually destroyed philosophically by destroying its voluntary nature, as established by the founders. All states, North and South, became wards or appendages of the central government in the post-1865 era.
What Lincoln did state is. . . if Southern secession made it impossible for Washington, D.C. to "collect the duties and imposts" (i.e., tariffs on imports, which had just been more than doubled two days earlier), then there will be an invasion. He followed through with this threat, and that is why there was a war that ended up killing 750,000 Americans, in addition to some 50,000 Southern civilians, while maiming for life more than a million; Say very clearly about war in his first inaugural address was that it was his duty "to collect the duties and imposts," but "beyond that there will no be any invasion of any state.
Portions taken from The Official, Politically-Correct Cause of the 'Civil War'by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Friday, February 8, 2013
No such thing as “The Lost Cause”
A cause that has at it's heart the defense of home and family, freedom from government tyranny and the right to choose methods of work and worship, was not and cannot be a "lost cause".
The South need not rise again, for in spirit it has never fallen. May all our causes be so noble, and our defense of them be as courageous as our ancestors, for in this alone lies the preservation of our liberty.
If in the future we lose our liberties as a result of government tyranny it will be because we failed to defend them and did not demonstrate the grit and determination of our forefathers…
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
"Look at the South until you are filled with the love of her, and when you are filled with her greatness, reflect that it was acquired by men of daring who knew their duty and feared dishonor in the hour of action." Moreover, "All alike gave their lives and received praise which grows not old.
I speak not so much of that in which their remains are laid as of that in which their glory survives to be remembered forever, on every fitting occasion in word and deed. There are monuments and graves for famous men, but the memorials we speak of today are not so much engraved in stone as in the hearts of men." Dana Sheppard
The memory of these men and their courage is certainly engraved on my heart.
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