16th president claimed secession was illegal yet, West Virginia was allowed to
secede from the state of Virginia and was admitted into the Union “AS A SLAVE
STATE” June 20 1863, six months after the Emancipation Proclamation. (The EP
took effect in Jan. 1863). West Virginia continued practicing the peculiar
institution until Feb. 1865
admittance of WV was done without congressional approval and violates the
Constitution, Article IV, section 3 which states: that…no new state shall be
formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state…without the
consent of the legislature of the state concerned, as well as the
Virginia then proceeded to send Union regiments to fight Confederates soldiers;
most of whom never owned any slaves…
have been taught a very selective, distorted and politically correct form of
WV was already occupied by the Union Army and under great pressures to make a political decision favorable to the North. In truth they had as many who favored the Confederacy as they did the Union, and the guerrilla warfare that followed proved that point.