
Friday, August 31, 2012
“To tar the sacrifices of the Confederate soldier as simple acts of racism, and reduce the battle flag under which he fought to nothing more than the symbol of a racist heritage, is one of the great blasphemies of our modern age”.
James Webb-Secretary of Navy And Assistant Secretary of Defense under U.S. President Ronald Regan and current U.S. Senator (D.VA.) (Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America, New York: Broadway Books, 2004, p. 225)
"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right -- a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world.
Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can, may revolutionize, and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit.' Abraham Lincoln, January 12, 1848 speech in Congress
(If I'm not mistaken 11 SOUTHERN STATES did just that and the full might of the US military was unleashed against them)
"Boys, he's not much for looks, but if we'd had him we wouldn't be caught in this trap."A captured Union soldier describing Stonewall Jackson
Jackson inquired sharply about a missing courier and was told that the boy had just been killed while delivering a message under fire.
“Very commendable, very commendable,” was Jackson’s reply.
"War is inevitable, and there is no telling when it will burst around you . . . You have to move and make arrangements to go to some point of safety which you must select. The Mount Vernon plate and pictures ought to be secured. Keep quiet while you remain, and in your preparations . . . May God keep and preserve you and have mercy on all our people."
Robert E/ Lee to his wife, Mary Anna Custis May 1861
In January 1862 a Wisconsin soldier's description of the Arlington house rang true to Lee's prediction. “The grand old southern homestead of Arlington, with its quaint and curious pictures on the wall, its spectacular apartments, broad halls and stately pillars in front, was an object of especial interest; but, abandoned by its owner, General Robert E. Lee, who was using his great power as a military leader, to destroy the Government he had sworn to defend, it was now a desolation.
The military headquarters of McDowell's division was in the Arlington House, which was open to the public and hundreds tramped at will through its apartments.”
Anything left behind was carried off by Union soldiers...The Lee's were never able to return to their home and Arlington Plantation became what is today, Arlington National Cemetery.
Joel Parker, Harvard Professor of Law: "Do not perceive that Lincoln is not only an absolute monarch, but that this is an absolute uncontrollable government, a perfect military despotism?"
The Geneva Convention first came out in 1863 and the Lincoln Administration was one of the original signatories. They were also the biggest hypocrites ever in signing, tantamount to the Taliban signing on for women's rights.
Using the rules established by the Allies after the Second World War, Lincoln and the high command of the Union Army unquestionably qualified as war criminals.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
August 30 1861 General John Fremont declares martial law throughout Missouri and makes his own emancipation proclamation to free slaves in the state.
His order is then rescinded by the Great Emancipator himself and he eventually relieves Fremont of command...
The president then went on to tell Mrs. Fremont, “the General should never have dragged the Negro into the War. It is a war for a great national object and the Negro has nothing to do with it”
Explaining to Senator Browning of Ill. he says..."If the General needs them (slaves) he can seize them, and use them; but when the need is past, it is not for him to fix their permanent future condition."
What? the Great Emancipator allows his general to seize and use slaves at will until he's done with them and then return them to their owners???
Continuing..."Can it be pretended that it is any longer the government of the U. S. — any government of constitution and laws, — wherein a General, or a President, may make permanent rules of property by proclamation?" Isn't this exactly what he did a year and a half later with his own Emancipation Proclamation?
Senator Sumner of Mass. on the issue said, 'We cannot conquer the rebels as the war is now conducted.' Lincoln had seized dictatorial powers,'but how vain to have the power of a god and not to use it godlike!'
Of course all revisionists out there know better than the man who actually orchestrated the war and continue to insist that the war was fought only for Emancipation.
In case you wish to read more on the subject...Caution, not a Southern friendly site...http://www.mrlincolnandfreedom.org/inside.asp?ID=31&subjectID=3
August 24 1862 Lincoln thinks colonization (deportation of free blacks) is necessary to quell northern apprehension. To accelerate colonization efforts, Lincoln names Kansas Senator Samuel Pomeroy as commissioner of colonization.
August 25 1862 Thaddeus Stevens aimed this criticism of the President: “How unexpectedly the Pres’t is applying our appropriation for a purpose never intended by Congress. I moved the appropriation of a half a million for general colonization purposes, but never thought new and independent colonies were to be planted – I intended it to aid in sending to Haiti, Liberia, and other places the liberated Dist. of Columbia slaves.’”
Photo: Why is the white child in and among the blacks? I guess Southerners didn't believe in Colonization...Fact is, this is a perfectly normal occurrence in the South.
A British observer, Captain Fremantle, witnessed a black Confederate soldier leading a captured Union soldier down the street, in an occupied union town. He made the following observation:
"This little episode, of a Southern slave leading a white Yankee soldier through a Northern village, alone and on his own accord, would not have been gratifying to an abolitionist, nor would the sympathizers both in England and in the North feel encouraged, if they could hear the language of detestation and contempt with which the numerous Negroes, with Southern armies, speak of their [Northern] liberators."
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
The following comment appeared in a Louisville, Kentucky, newspaper concerning the women and children whom Sherman had shipped north:
"The train which arrived from Nashville last evening brought up from the South 249 women and children, who are sent here by orders of General Sherman to be transferred north of the Ohio river.
These people are mostly in a destitute condition, having no means to provide for themselves a support."
They were hired out to perform work at a price that was at no more than a subsistence level, making them virtual white slaves for the Yankees."
More than two thousand women and children were sent into the North in this manner. The papers in the area advertised them as if they were any other commodity for sale. And so the Yankees maintained their illicit trade in human flesh even as they were singing glory, glory, hallelujah!
From 'The South Was Right' from the authors, Donald and Ronald Kennedy.
On August 29, Pope launched a series of assaults against Jackson’s position along an unfinished railroad grade. The attacks were repulsed with heavy casualties on both sides.
At noon, Longstreet arrived on the field from Thoroughfare Gap and took position on Jackson’s right flank. On August 30, Pope renewed his attacks, seemingly unaware that Longstreet was on the field. When massed Confederate artillery devastated a Union assault by Fitz John Porter’s command, Longstreet’s wing of 28,000 men counterattacked in the largest, simultaneous mass assault of the war.
The Union left flank was crushed and the army driven back to Bull Run. Only an effective Union rearguard action prevented a replay of the First Manassas disaster. The next day, Lee ordered his army in pursuit. This was the decisive battle of the Northern Virginia Campaign
Photo: Some of Jackson's Confederates, their ammunition exhausted, hurling rocks at the advancing Federals, during the Second Battle of Manassas.
The Union government liberates the enemy’s slaves as it would the enemy’s cattle, simply to weaken them in the conflict. The principle is not that a human being cannot justly own another, but that he cannot own him unless he is LOYAL TO THE UNITED STATES.”
London Spectator in reference to the Emancipation Proclamation
Photo: The hilt (hand guard) of a Boyle and Gamble Field and Staff Officers Sword made in Richmond during the war.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
“It appears we have appointed our worst generals to command forces, and our most gifted and brilliant to edit newspapers!
In fact, I discovered by reading newspapers that these editor/geniuses plainly saw all my strategic defects from the start, yet failed to inform me until it was too late.
Accordingly, I’m readily willing to yield my command to these obviously superior intellects, and I’ll, in turn, do my best for the Cause by writing editorials – after the fact.”
Robert E. Lee, 1863
" ... It will be a glorious day for our country when all the children within its borders shall learn that the four years of fratricidal war between the North and South was waged by neither with criminal or unworthy intent, but by both to protect what they conceived to be threatened rights and imperiled liberty:
that the issues which divided the sections were born when the Republic was born, and were forever buried in an ocean of fraternal blood." General Gordon
Monday, August 27, 2012
Yeah, Yeah, it was all about slavery, we know...ah huh!
“The Southern Confederacy will not employ our ships or buy our goods. What is our shipping without it?
Literally nothing… it is very clear that the South gains by this process and we lose.
No…we must not let the South go”.
Union Democrat Manchester, New Hampshire. 19 February, 1861
UNION AT THE POINT OF A BAYONET...Glory, Glory, Hallelujah...
In 1999 President Clinton was told by the Red Chinese premier that they had the right to use force to reclaim Taiwan, referring to Lincoln’s actions as a, quote “model and an example.”
The Soviets mentioned Lincoln’s actions, as authority to hold its Soviet union together by force, if it so desired.
In 1968 the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia to prohibit voting on reforms. The soviet premier used the same rationale as Lincoln did in Maryland, as authority for his actions, the “Security of the government.”
German generals cited Lincoln’s war policies when condemned for their actions during World War II.
Photo: We condemned others for this behavior, but it was perfectly acceptable for Northern invaders to do this in the South???
Unlike the Confederate army, Union troops were totally segregated (and remained so until 1950).
About 8% of the Union Army was composed of black soldiers while accounting for almost 20% of the suffered deaths. They were also paid less per month then their white counter parts.
95% of free blacks voluntarily remained in the south after the war and the lagrest part of the black population still resides in the South. Why...Martin Luther King said Jim Crow and racism was always worse in the North.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
"Our country demands all our strength, all our energies. To resist the powerful combination now forming against us will require every man at his place. If victorious, we will have everything to hope for in the future. If defeated, nothing will be left for us to live for."
--- Robert E. Lee
Ok, It's true, I admit it, ya got me, my accusers were right all along. I AM A REVISIONIST...
For 150 years we've been subjected to the Northern media's selective memory, distortions, lies and myths.
I'm "revising" the history back to the way it actually happened using facts and quotes from the period!
Sir Winston Churchill said that the Confederate Army's fight against overwhelming odds is one of the most glorious moments in Anglo-Saxon history. I agree...
“The cause of the South was the cause of constitutional government, the cause of government regulated by law, and the cause of honesty and fidelity in public servants. No nobler cause did man ever fight for!”
Rep. Benjamin Franklin Grady
"We are not fighting for slavery. We are fighting for Independence.”
President Jefferson Davis, CSA
“Everyone should do all in his power to collect and disseminate the truth, in the hope that it may find a place in history and descend to posterity. History is not the relation of campaigns and battles and generals or other individuals, but that which shows the principles for which the South contended and which justified her struggle for those principles." Robert E. Lee
Now there's no doubt someone's gonna accuse me of defending slavery but, I'm just curious why we never hear their side of the story...
Slave quotes from the Slave Narratives.
Sara Colquit of the Sam Raney Plantation at Camp Hill, Alabama: "We usta have some good times. We could have all the fun we wanted on Sa'dday nights, and we sho had it, cuttin monkey shines, and dancing all night long. Sometimes our mistis would come down early to watch us."
Sidney Bonner of the John Bonner Plantation at Pickensville, Alabama: "Lawsey man, dem were de days!"
Lightin' Mathews of the Joel Mathews Plantation at Cahaba, Alabama: "Master Joel musta been bawn on a sun shinny day 'cause he sho was bright an' good natured. Ever ni__er on the plantation loved him lak he was sent from heaven."
Emma Jones of the Wiley Jones Plantation at Columbus Georgia: "Our food them was a-way better that the stuff we gets today."
Ammond (Ammonds), Molly, Alabama,
"When us slaves was sick, Massa Lee would send to Eufaula to fetch Dr. Thornton to give us some medicine. We had de bes' treatment ever... "Nawsuh! I ain't never seed no slave in chains…. "No-suh, I ain't never seed no slave run away. Us was treated fine.
Bohanon, Georganna 104, Mississippi
I worked awful hard when I wus growing up but I is too ole to remember anything about back yonder and my folks wus allus good to me and I wish I had stayed a slave.
Frank Childress, 85, Mississippi
"Yassuh, I'se the one what fought on both sides," he claims proudly, "but I neber fought for de Yankees till dey captured me and put me in a corral and said, 'Ni__er, you fought for de South; now you can fight for de North."
These are just a few of the thousands of such quotes in the "Slave Narratives" in the National Archives...
Please don't show your lack of good sense by telling me it's "Stockholm syndrome."
Fighting the 1860s version of the Talaban...Warning, graphic...
Many of us now the story of Sam Davis but, how many know the story of Private Dewitt Jobe a friend of Sam Davis and like him, also refused to provide information when he was captured by the 115th Ohio Infantry. For this he was tortured, teeth kicked in, tongue cut out, eyes gouged from their sockets and finally strangled with a leather strap.
Jack Hinson's boys were beheaded by the 5 Iowa Cavalry and their heads placed on the fence postes at the entrance of his home after the boys dead bodies were draged around town.
In Palmyra Missouri 10 civilians who had been jailed on suspicion of being confederate sympathizers; were randomly selected and shot, without trial by order of the Union commander. Those shot ranged in age from 19 to 60; a month later, Lincoln promoted the officer who ordered the execution.
Athens, Alabama: The court-martial record of Lincoln's buddy Turchin dated May 2, 1862, contains information about an attempt to commit "an indecent outrage" on a servant girl. It also notes that a part of the brigade, "quarter[ed] in the negro huts for weeks, debauching the females."
In Columbia SC a young black woman was brutally raped by her Yankee liberators and left to drown in a mud puddle in the street.
Union Sergeant William T. Patterson wrote that "the whole country around is wrapped in flames, the heavens are aglow with the light thereof . . . such mourning, such lamentations, such crying and pleading for mercy [by defenseless women]... I never saw or want to see again."
How they claim the abuse didn’t happen is beyond me when on June 20, 1862 –George McClellan, wrote Lincoln asking him to ensure the war was conducted on “the highest principles known to Christian civilization" and to avoid targeting the civilian population to the extent that that was possible. Lincoln response was to ignore the request and to replace McClellan.
None of this even begins to tell the story.
On July 12, 1848, during a Senate debate over slavery in the territories, it was a New York Senator, John Dix, who got up and said that “free blacks would continue to be an inferior cast and simply die out.”
It was a Senator from Mississippi named Jefferson Davis who replied that he was “horrified” to hear “their extinction treated as a matter of public policy.”
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The following letter is from Union Lieutenant Thomas J. Myers to his wife, dated Feb 26, 1865 near Camden, S. C.
“My dear wife--I have no time for particulars. We have had a glorious time in this State. Unrestricted license to burn and plunder was the order of the day. The chivalry [meaning Chivalrous people of the South] have been stripped of most of their valuables. Gold watches, silver pitchers, cups, spoons, forks, etc., are as common in camp as blackberries.
The terms of plunder are as follows: Each company is required to exhibit the results of its operations at any given place, one-fifth and first choice falls to the share of the commander-in-chief and staff; one-fifth to the corps commanders and staff; one-fifth to field officers of regiments, and two-fifths to the company.
General Sherman has silver and gold enough to start a bank. His share in gold watches alone at Columbia was two hundred and seventy-five. But I said I could not go into particulars. All the general officers and many besides had valuables of every description, down to embroidered ladies' pocket handkerchiefs. I have my share of them, too. We took gold and silver enough from the damned rebels to have redeemed their infernal currency twice over.”
Black Mississippi Legislator Defends Confederate Monument
In Mississippi on February 1, 1890, an appropriation for a monument to the Confederate dead was being considered. A delegate had just spoken against the bill, when John F. Harris, a Black Republican delegate from Washington County, rose to speak:
"Mr. Speaker! I have risen in my place to offer a few words on the bill.
I have come from a sick bed. Perhaps it was not prudent for me to come. But sir, I could not rest quietly in my room without contributing a few remarks of my own.
I was sorry to hear the speech of the young gentlemen from Marshall County. I am sorry that any son of a soldier would go on record as opposed to the erections of a monument in honor of the brave dead. And, Sir, I am convinced that had he seen what I saw at Seven Pines, and in the Seven Day's fighting around Richmond, the battlefield covered with mangled forms of those who fought for this country and their country's honor, he would not have made the speech.
When the news came that the South had been invaded, those men went forth to fight for what they believed, and they made not requests for monuments. But they died, and their virtues should be remembered.
Sir, I went with them. I, too, wore the gray, the same color my master wore. We stayed for four long years, and if that war had gone on till now I would have been there yet. I want to honor those brave men who died for their convictions.
When my Mother died I was a boy. Who, Sir, then acted the part of Mother to the orphaned slave boy, but my old Missus! Were she living now, or could speak to me from those high realms where are gathered the sainted dead, she would tell me to vote for this bill. And, Sir, I shall vote for it. I want it known to all the world that my vote is given in favor of the bill to erect a monument in HONOR OF THE CONFEDERATE DEAD."
When the applause died down, the measure passed overwhelmingly, and every Black member voted "AYE."
The official U.S. position on the treatment of Confederate prisoners of war during The War for Southern Independence would shock many modern Americans. The data, facts and statistics have been thoroughly eliminated from American history books. One must research the original documents to discover the horrible truth.
During the War the U.S. House of Representatives passed the following resolution:
"Rebel prisoners in our hands are to be subjected to a treatment finding its parallels only in the conduct of savage tribes and resulting in the death of multitudes by the slow but designed process of starvation and by mortal diseases occasioned by insufficient and unhealthy food and wanton exposure of their persons."
The Prospect of Slavery Moving Into the Territories, When the North Began Making an Issue of it, WAS NONE EXISTANT!
Students of the period who subscribe to the South being a “Slave-ocracy” will take note that in 1860, in the New Mexico Territory, an area which encompassed the area presently occupied by the States of New Mexico and Arizona, that there were a grand total of 22 slaves, only 12 of whom actually lived there.
If the South intended to be a “Slave Power,” spreading its labor system across the entire continent, it was doing a pretty poor job of it.
Commenting on this fact, an English publication in 1861 said, “When, therefore, so little pains are taken to propagate slavery outside the circle of the existing slave states, it cannot be that the extension of slavery is desired by the South on social or commercial grounds directly, and still less from any love for the thing itself for its own sake. But the value of New Mexico and Arizona politically is very great! In the Senate they would count as 4 votes with the South or with the North according as they ranked in the category of slave holding or Free soil states”.
Free territories meant less representation for the south and more political power for the north.
Southern representation was already behind the North by 8 Senators and dozens of Congressmen.
Northern colonies that had sanctioned slavery included Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Delaware, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.
Rhode Island, was among the most active Northern colonies in importing slaves.
In 1700, 42% of New York households had slaves. Seventy years later, there were twice as many slaves in New York as in Georgia.
The north was also the first to discontinue slavery, not because of moral conviction, but because it became unprofitable due to cheap immigrant labor and industrialization. (Why invest in a slave which required maintenance and care when you could hire and immigrant, work him long hours and if he got sick let him go and hire someone else.) However, the north continued to profit from slavery. First, by selling their unwanted slaves to the south, rather than free them and by purchasing cotton, produced by slaves for northern textile mills."
No sooner did they get the money in their pockets from slaves sold to the South and then turned around and wanted Southerners to free them...how convenient.
Friday, August 24, 2012
What if the Current president had been elected by less than 40% of the popular vote?
What if he shut down all news media opposed to his agenda and jailed the editors and producers...
What if he signed an arrest warrant for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
What if he arrested the majority of one states legislature because there was a chance those legislators may oppose him?
What if he deported his most vocal critic in Congress?
What if he declared Marshal law and suspended Habeas Corpus, so that anyone could be arrested without being charged and held indefinitely?
What if he violated the 2nd Amendment by disarming the states of his choosing?
What if, after only one month in office and without congressional approval, he unleashed the full might of the military on any state that refused to pay federal taxes.
What if he initiated these actions against the almost unanimous advice of his military and cabinet advisors?
What if the military, while carrying out his orders, killed thousands of civilians, burned down homes, destroyed property and torched countless cities; while robbing and raping citizens?
And what if he created new states formed out of existing states simply for political expediency?
And what if he was so wildly unpopular that just months before the election he was almost certain that he would not be re-elected to a second term?
What if he stationed armed guards at polling places to intimidate voters and help insure his re-election?
What if, after the president’s death, the government told us that this was all done for the good of the country and to ensure that all races would be free and equal?
Yeah, makes perfect sense to me
Considering what he did to the South in order to "preserve the Union"...
If Mary Todd Lincoln had asked for a divorce...do you think Abe would have beat her into submission in order to "preserve his marriage UNION?"
Union is by its nature voluntary. Coercion at the point of a bayonet is nothing but conquest and occupation, not “union.” Valerie Protopapas
Zachary Taylor was initially opposed to the marriage of his daughter Sarah, to Jefferson Davis.
While speaking to future Confederate Postmaster General John H. Reagan he said..."My daughter was a better judge of men than I."
Twelfth president of the US-Known as "Old Rough and Ready," Taylor had a 40-year military career in the United States Army, serving in the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, and the Second Seminole War. He achieved fame leading American troops to victory in the Battle of Palo Alto and the Battle of Monterrey during the Mexican–American War.
The states of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, West Virginia and Kentucky all continued practicing slavery throughout the war. These same states sent Union regiments to fight confederate soldiers, most of whom never owned any slaves.
Is it possible that federal troops from the north invaded their neighbors to the south, to end slavery, while it was still legal and thriving in their own states?
Delaware, Kentucky and New Jersey initially refused to ratify the 13th Amendment to formally abolish slavery after the war. Delaware did not ratify until 1901.
“…no Confederate soldier is given his discharge from the army, however badly he may be wounded; but he is employed at such labor in the public service as he may be capable of performing, and his place in the ranks is taken by a sound man hitherto exempted. The slightly wounded are cured as quickly as possible, and are sent back at once to their regiments. THEIR WOMEN TAKE CARE OF THIS…..”
Indeed, the attitudes of the Southern women that I know mirror that of the woman whose fiancé declined on volunteering for the army. She sent him a package of women’s underwear with a note which read, “Wear these or volunteer!” Needless to say, he volunteered."
Thursday, August 23, 2012
"The next man I saw shot was Captain Lewis. He was hit with a spent ball, square in the forehead, but high up and with sufficient force for the ball to stick.
He picked it out and called my attention to it. I told him if the wound was painful, he had better retire. But, he replied, "No, not for that." Very soon he received a shot in the hand. The two was enough for him and he retired.
I afterwards told him that in our association, I had hoped to convert him to Campbellism (a religious doctrine), but since Yankee bullets could not penetrate his head, there was no use in trying Campbellite argument, and I should have to give up. He is a Methodist to this day."
- Colonel Sydney Drake Jackman, C.S.A., - Describing the fight at Lone Jack, Missouri, August 16th, 1862 - From his published memoirs, "Behind Enemy Lines" , Compiled & Edited by Richard L. Norton.
Photo: Col. Jackman
What’s going on with the leadership of the United Daughters of the Confederacy? Has this most respected and one of the earliest of Confederate Heritage organizations lost its direction? Are the once bold leaders in honoring our Confederate hero’s now succumbing to political correctness? I pray not…
The following is the response to Hk Edgerton’s call for help in Florida, by UDC president of the Florida Division.
"This is just a reminder that "Flagging" is political and goes against UDC bylaws. We are a non-political, Patriotic society and conduct, such as "Flagging", gives us all a bad name. UDC should not be represented in such a fashion and our Florida members are asked not to participate as "Flaggers."
Gail Crosby
President, Florida Division
Since when has walking down the street carrying the banner of our ancestors become a political proposition? This is not the time to cower under pressure of political correctness. In light of whats happened in Lexington Va. and Reidsville NC, this is the time to unit and double down in our efforts to demand the respect and recognition our heritage and our ancestors deserve…Where are those hard core Confederate women of the past?
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Capt. John D. Fleming of Columbia, Tennessee commander of the B-29 "Goin' Jesse" waves a Battle flag as he prepares to take off with some of the 2,000,000 tons of bombs dropped by the AAF in World War II.
Columbia Tennessee is the home of the Sons of Confederate Veterans National Headquarters...
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
There was no income tax in 1861, the government was supported by tariffs. The South conservatively imported about 70% of the nations goods and therefore paid about 70% of the nations taxes, yet it only represented about 33% of the nations population...
Most of the revenue collected in the South was spent in the North on roads, bridges, canal and railroads...
Obviously Southern states were opposed to the new Morrill Tariff and it was particularly unpopular in England, which imported cotton from the South and in turn exported goods there.
Short Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBDgczOhRME
The Morrill Tariff of 1861 more than doubled the tax on Southern imports. Southerners imported virtually all manufactured goods like, plows, shovels, hoes, axes etc...
Tariffs had been an issue from the very founding of the country as in the proposed tariff of 1789...
"Satisfied I am it will be particularly injurious to the Southern States, who do not and cannot manufacture, and must, therefore, pay duties on everything they consume...William Grayson, Virginia statesman.
Wendell Phillips of Boston, speaking on the inherent purpose of his (and Lincoln’s) party: “The Republican party is in no sense a national party. It is a party of the North, organized against the South.”
Is it any wonder that some Southern States seceded after Lincoln's "party of the North" came into power in 1860.
In an 1845 essay titled "No Union with Slaveholders", he argued for DISUNION and on the eve of the war he defended the Confederate States' right to secede saying:
"A large body of people, sufficient to make a nation, have come to the conclusion that they will have a government of a certain form. Who denies them the right? Standing with the principles of '76 behind us, who can deny them the right? . . . I maintain on the principles of '76 that Abraham Lincoln has no right to a soldier in Fort Sumter. . . . You can never make such a war popular. . . . The North never will endorse such a war."
(But the North did endorse Lincoln's war when he maneuvered the South into firing on Sumter by his contrived resupply attempt; making the South appear to be the aggressor).
Monday, August 20, 2012
“When I speak of my country, I mean the Commonwealth of Virginia.” John Randolph
The people of the antebellum south were fiercely independent, a man’s country was considered to be his home state. How could anyone be expected to fight his own neighbors, friends and family?
Technically, there was no such thing as a citizen of the United States until passage of the 14th Amendment, defining citizenship, three years after the war.
If Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden decided to leave the European Union, could you in your wildest imagination invision the rest of the EU carpet bombing those countries into submission and back into the Union?
“The future inhabitants of [both] the Atlantic and Mississippi states will be our sons. We think we see their happiness in their union, and we wish it. Events may prove otherwise; and if they see their interest in separating why should we take sides? God bless them both, and keep them in union if it be for their good, but separate them if it be better.” – Thomas Jefferson
"if I am asked what is to be done when a people feel themselves intolerably oppressed, my answer is ready: OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT." Patrick Henry 1799
Why do Northern apologists call this Virginian a patriot when 62 years later other Virginians followed his advice and are labeled rebels and traitors?
Actually the later Virginians didn't want to overthrow the government, they just wanted to be left alone...
Sunday, August 19, 2012
What do all these football teams have in common???
Alabama Crimson Tide, Georgia Bull Dogs, Arkansas Razorbacks, LSU Tigers, North Carolina Tar Heels
All names of Confederate infantry Regiments during the War for Southern Independence. Can I get a “Rebel Yell”???
The name Tennessee Volunteers arose because so many men from Tennessee Volunteered for service during the war of 1812.
On the back porch of this house (Carnton Plantation) is where many of the Confederate wounded were brought after the disastrous charge at Franklin, including six generals who lost their lives in the battle - one of them, Cleburne, arguably the best field commander in the western theater at the time...
Other generals killed or mortally wounded were... John C. Carter, John Adams, Hiram B. Granbury, States Rights Gist, and Otho F. Strahl.
"Forward men, let it never be said that Texans lag behind"
General Hiram B. Granbury was born in Copiah County, Mississippi. He attended Oakland College in Rodney, Mississippi, then moved to Waco, Texas, in the 1850s, became an attorney and served as county judge for two years.
Once Texas left the Union, he organized the Waco Guards and served as its first Captain.
He was sent to duty in Kentucky and Tennessee, and in October 1861, was made Major of the 7th Texas. He was captured in the fall of Fort Donelson on February 16, 1862, and imprisoned at Fort Warren in Boston Harbor.
His wife, Fannie Sims Granbury, had moved with her husband to Fort Donelson, after his capture she once again moved to be near him, this time to Massachusetts. While there she became ill and required surgery in Baltimore.
On parole, he was allowed to attend to her during this time. Sadly it was found that she was suffering from ovarian cancer and nothing could be done. She would returned to Alabama where she died. He was exchanged for two lieutenants on August 27, 1862, and was promoted to Colonel. The 7th Texas was not exchanged until November of that year, and once exchanged was consolidated with the 49th and 55th Tennessee regiments under Colonel J.E. Bailey.
This left him without a command until January 1863 when the unit was again independent. He led the regiment during the Vicksburg Campaign, and at Chickamauga, where he was wounded. At Chattanooga, he assumed command of the brigade upon the wounding of General J.A. Smith and led it until Smith was able to resume command.
He also saw action during the Battle of Missionary Ridge, and on the Army of Tennessee's retreat in November 1863, he received praise from division commander Major General Patrick R. Cleburne. By the end of the Atlanta Campaign he was back in command leading his men in Hood's invasion of Tennessee.
At the Battle of Franklin, on November 30, 1864, he charged the Union center with Cleburne, and was killed before reaching the Federal breastworks, and became one of 6 Confederate Generals to die as a result of the battle.
A letter from the NAACP
"As such, our principal objection and litigate efforts until now had been directed to the Confederate flag use as an official symbol. However, we feel we are at a crossroad and feel that a compromise would not be beneficial to anyone. In the near future, efforts will be aimed at the removal of racist names, mascots, monuments; and ending the glorification of Confederate soldiers through what is termed reenacting. We also feel there could be better use of State and Federal resources by the closing of museums and battlefields, which are dedicated to the preservation of slavery. These funds can be put to a more productive use for society as a whole". January 12, 1990 Kweisi Mfume.
While they stopped their movement to close the battlefields, their version of the war has been forcibly inserted into the teaching at every location; everything else has come to pass. Look at what has happened to the 150th celebration, Reidsville NC and Lexington Va.; you can't depend on someone else to fight this battle.
(partially taken from a post on FB by Gary Adams of Southern Heritage Preservation Group)
If centralism is ultimately to prevail; if our entire system of free Institutions as established by our common ancestors is to be subverted, and an Empire is to be established in their stead; if that is to be the last scene of the great tragic drama now being enacted: then, be assured, that we of the South will be acquitted, not only in our own consciences, but in the judgment of mankind, of all responsibility for so terrible a catastrophe, and from all guilt of so great a crime against humanity. -Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America"
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